~Simply press play, listen and repeat as often as is necessary. ~
A powerful short exercise offered by Arch Angel Michael, as channeled through Ronna Herman, THE EMPOWERING GIFT OF FORGIVENESS. The entire message can be read here:
I first stumbled upon the Ronna's works on the Higher Density blog - which contains a wealth of wonderful resources, thanks to Duane, another wonderful soul. https://higherdensity.wordpress.com
And to Duane I was led by the lovely Aluna Ash 9D, who also shares valuable insights. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8Jo5fT6vgmRbDh6IpL7K2A
“I forgive myself for any action, thought or deed
– past, present or future –
in this or any other reality,
which has not been composed of the frequencies of Sacred Love.
I forgive everyone with whom I have shared conflicting, discordant energies
during my present or past lives – in this or any other reality –
and I return to them, wrapped in a bubble of love,
all negative memories, impacted energies and probable futures that we have created together.
I ask the angels of forgiveness to permeate all Facets of my Being
with the frequencies of Love/Light
so that I may become Soul-focused and heart-centered as a Bearer of Light and a Self-master.”
As per Ronna, "The Forgiveness meditation is a powerful tool, and it is much more effective when you listen to the words while in meditation."
Shared with great love,