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ASCENSION: We Begin Anew

Writer: Manj I AmManj I Am

Welcome home, to your Divine Self
Welcome home, to your Divine Self

And so it is, we begin. It is early on 17 February, 2025. Early in the year too, according to the false Gregorian calendar, which - and someone please remind me! - is topic of another post.

Numerologically, today is day 1, how fitting. 

I could easily wipe out all blog posts prior to this one, but leave them for your interests sake. Times have changed so much since my last regularity here.

Dearly Beloveds. 

It is yet dark out, as I arrive to write to you by candlelight. I look out and see the winds of change dancing with the trees. They celebrate. They already celebrate knowing what has already happened, though cannot be seen yet, all around us.

We begin with Ascension, and I ask you bear with me, as I flow like a river, delivering you what comes to me.

If you are already well versed in the topic, then please, forgo these messages, and continue sharing with others. This here writing is for those are just coming to this information. To not learn, but rather remember,  and then too, share. 

Stick around as long as you feel compelled. You need not subscribe, you need not any thing at all. I am simply here to remind you of your Greatness.

ASCENSION:  A process that all of life is going through right now/ The process of vibrating higher. 

I realize I've skipped all kinds of things in saying that, but for the sake of ease, it is suffice. 

Imagine an aircraft propeller, To operate, more than one blade is necessary, let's say at least 3. You have seen or might recall that when in motion, it looks like there is just 1 propeller, because they're going so fast...

With that said, all life, every single particle that makes us who/what we are (in the flesh), not only spins, but also vibrations. So going back to ascension, every single part of us (on a subatomic level), is being sped up. The Ascended Masters don't have that name for naught. They all learned the process of raising one's rate of vibration, to the extent that they could disappear, and appear elsewhere.

There's the story of a Sioux Indian gentleman, who retreats to a mountain for numerous years, to attain / achieve mastery over himself. In one of the tests run upon him, he was able to put an entire am into boiling water to fetch some meat. He was unscathed in the matter. Another man, a Sadhu in India, was able to show an expedition of scientists that he could grow a grapefruit tree in the matter of minutes. The same expedition was witness to a man falling asleep by a river. His arm fell into the water, and was quickly yanked off by an alligator/crocodile. In the moments the man realized what had happened and was in flight towards another sadhu, his arm was seen to be growing back moment by moment. The witnesses could not take pictures fast enough. (These stories, and so many others, come from a book called "The Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East). -->so much have I loved this book, that upon lockdown, I decided to record in short segments. (Mind unbending greatness). 

Alas, I diverge and realize, I cannot write in short segments! Laugh with me, at me, ;D and just enjoy.  (And should you diverge from hear and be fully engulfed in the book, away from these notes, I would simply celebrate with you, for that book certainly awakened me and accelerated my own process. 


In this time ! space we are in now, we don't have to do all the hard work (which often took lifetimes, if not just one). 

In the last email, I mentioned that the psychic-astral veil of illusion is no more. IT is because of that very realm that we needed to ascend, for you see, in the beginning, as Divine Human, created in the image of God, does it not makes sense, from those very words, that we had the ability to create mountains, rivers, let alone worlds? We did, we did all those things, until we didn't. 

When did we stop? 

This is all a matter of billions of years, you see, and it was because of the adversary (also known as evil, devil.satan), that our powers were literally switched off. I believe it was Dr. David Clemens, (PhD theoretical physicist,, to say the least!), in being interviewed by Pam Gregory,  who said we are now beginning once again to "spiritualize matter." Up til recently (very!), we've been (for the most part), like the walking dead. The matter that makes us us was so very dense it was barely vibrating at all. So, as we come round full circle just now, you can get an understanding of ascension and rate of vibration, that now, right now, we are speeding up. (And even those who don't know it). 

I feel this to be enough today, and end here, but not before relaying what makes sense to share next. 

Some dates of major changes in our individual and collective experience:

11.11 2024



I imagine this could be a daily practice for me, to write to you in the early hours of each day. It feels so "right," and we'll jump back to calls soon enough.  We carry on with ascension talk, the aforementioned dates, and of great importance right now, the dance between our Sun and Earth, which is changing our lives so much. There is so much to say about the adversary, and surely you've got questions....It's almost not even worth get into all of that, except to say it  is gone, reintegrated back into God, from where it came. 

If you can, kiss the ground, a tree. Salute our Sun. Sing with the birds. Without doing a thing, already your vibration increases, as I love and smile at you here, and you smile back at me "there." Be the love that you are darling Soul. 



PS: in my letting of perfectionism, and therefore, control, I have done little to no editing here.


© 2024-​ Manj. I Am

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