As long as we forgo the inlcusion of Spirit,
Across any subject,
Be it Health, Architecture, Science, Geography, Sex, History, Psychology, Philosophy...
What have you-
We still operate in an incomplete system-
A system of separateness.

When enough of the collective
Come to the awareness that there is no separation
Between any of the sciences, music, mathematics-
mathematics, which is but the study of ALL things-
We all rise.
Human in it's divine template is a polymath,
Knowing of everything.
How everything stems from energy/
The carrier of information.
From particle to wave, and wave to particle,
Vibration from the Invisible
Forming the sacred Geometry
Which is fleshed out by our senses.
These particular thoughts, (collected from the field, by no means my own),
Are sparked by my contemplations on health and in particular,
Women's health, connecting mind, womb, body.
Even with my own class on menstruation-
Bridging ancient and modern wisdom-
(As well as other teachings),
I am wholly cognizant of
The fragility and finiteness
Of the material.
That too, after integration, & tweaking of oneself,
One must discard the material
In order to continue ascending
The ladder of Consciousness.
What's the purpose?
I'm not so sure,
But what I do know with all my heart,
Is that there is no separation.
As I bring this full circle,
I wish to express
That when we realized there is no separation between
Things, such as those we learn in school-
We start to see and sense the
Connectedness of life,
Of All of Us.
And all things around us,
With our five (or more) senses.
Love, big love.