Picture on right
Visible: the seed and partial flower of life.

Invisible: the tree and fruit
Made from:
Toilet paper roll cuttings.
We'd make lots of these-
The seed & flower of life,
The seed which holds the blueprint
For the All
Nestling the seed into the embrace of Her,
We'd sprout seeds, nurture them, speak with them,
Like Brother, Luther Burbank, who gently caused the prickly pear to drop its prickles,
through loving communion.
We'd hug trees and commune too, with them-
Not only trees,
But flowers, insects, birds, stones, crystals...all life,
(Even that which does not seem to be alive),
Without ridicule.
We'd lie on the earth, feet and hands rooted,
Staring up at the sky,
Conjuring up all kinds of stories -
And remembrances -
Of cloud characters.
Where we've been,
Where we go in sleep state,
and also we share if we pop out of body
during classes.
We'd play singing bowls, and drums, dance and sing,
Prepare food together and serve one another.
We'd do Qi Gong, meditate, sing AUM,
Talk science (without calling it so), and weave it
into the Arts.
Sacred Geometry, Numerology
Stars, Sky, Earth,
Sisters, Brothers, Beings from other places/spaces,
All part of the daily interaction.
I would help them Remember
Their Soul Self, whilst being comfortable in their new body suit.
I would help them remember their magnificence, their glory,
Divine Self,
The heavenly realms, that they are not even far off,
not even near,
But right here.
Imaginary friends would be welcome,
So oft Angels and spirit guides we were connected to
But shamed out of/away from.
They would remember it all before the age of seven,
Never losing themselves and needing to embark upon
"the hero's journey,"
That, which was necessary on the old Earth.
New Earth is now.
The Golden Age is Now.
Children are no longer the future /future leaders,
Here and now, in fact,
They lead.
Watch for the Geniuses around the world,
Kids under 10:
Healers practicing all manner of natural medicine -
Sound, colour, plant..what but energy/vibration medicine.
Knowing, so knowing-
Not geniuses at all,
Simply tapped into their God Self.
By us all.
Community. Common-unity.
That's is love.
Love in Action.
