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Sharing heART Work (English & po Slovensky)

Writer's picture: Manj I AmManj I Am

On behalf of a dear friend, I share this with you.

The short message:

This beautiful work of (many) heART(s)- if it resonates, go onto the facebook link, and just hit the like button ;)

Your "like" is contributing towards some super cool people winning a competition. (English & Slovak longer versions below.

Soulboard by Drahomír „Draho“ Rozič a Michal „Miguel“ Sučák

Illustration by Adrián Macho (Mellow)

Other than the art work, (soulboard + illustration), it's the very last line of this text (roughly translated from Slovak (link on facebook), that won my heart in equal measure, so I begin with the end:

Linking people who enjoy doing things that have a soul. ~

HAPPY SNOWSURFSKATES: A unique hand-shaped board for snow or street surfing. Another unique feature is that the boards are made of wood and fabric.


The SOULBOARD brand officially launched its creative soulboard at last year's Urban Market.

It was the cloth covered snow surf that garnered much visitor attention, and one person in particular- Illustrator, Adrian Macho.

Adrian was exhibiting his own heart work, "Mellow;" beautifully designed illustrations brought to life in the most adorable pillows.

Upon seeing and loving the Soulboard concept, Adrian had a lightbulb moment: to order a snowsurf, with his own illustration.

Having seen Adrian's works, the Soulboard family fell in love, much as he did with their works.

Words were exchanged. one design led to three more immediately, with an ever increasing desire for more.

It soon became obvious that this wasn't just a business connection between two random parties, rather a linking of humans, being & doing- a perfect union. A linking,of people coming together, who find joy in doing things that have soul.

I love stories like this - good luck to both the Soulboard Family & Mellow <3


Aj po Slovensky: (Taken directly from facebook link)

NÁZOV PROJEKTU: SOULBORDIY x Macho: happy streetsurf

SPOLUPRÁCA: Drahomír „Draho“ Rozič a Michal „Miguel“ Sučák (SOULBOARDIY) + Adrián Macho (Mellow – ilustrátor)

TYP: skateboard

Streetsurf je skateboard z jedinečným dizajnom, vyrobený z dreva v kombinácii s textíliou. Na minuloročnom zimnom Urban Markete značka SOULBOARDIY prvýkrát oficiálne predstavila svetu svoje soulboardy. Hlavne tie látkou poťahované snowsurfy okamžite pritiahli veľkú pozornosť návštevníkov. Neuniklo to ani skúsenemu oku Adriána, ktorý tam krásne vystavoval svoj projekt Mellow s krásne dizajnovými látkovými vankúšmi a dostal nápad objednať si snowsurf s vlastným dizajnom. Soulboardiy rodina sa okamžite zamilovala do toho, čo Adrián robí, Adrián sa zamiloval do toho, čo robí Soulboardiy, slovo dalo slova a z jedného dizajnu boli hneď tri a rastúca chuť spoločne robiť aj ďalšie. Veľmi rýchlo sa ukázalo, že to nie je len pracovné spojenie dvoch kompatibilných projektov a produktov, ale hlavne spojenie ľudské. Spojenie ľudí, ktorých baví robiť veci, ktoré majú dušu.


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